Discussions sur 'mean' dans le forum English Only, ⓘ Un ou plusieurs fils de discussions du forum correspondent exactement au terme que vous recherchez, A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother. statistik, ilmu statistik, statistika…. Kevin n'a pas les moyens d'acheter une voiture de sport. figure definition: 1. the symbol for a number or an amount expressed in numbers: 2. between 1 and 9/between 10 and…. the square root of four is two. Calculate the mean {55, 72, 89, 100, 45, 6 71, 58, 62, 72} b. The students learnt how to calculate the root mean square of a set of numbers. Here we give you a set of numbers and then ask you to find the mean, median, and mode. Two high school students took equivalent language tests,one in German and one in French.the student taking the german test,for which the mean was 66 and the standard deviation was 8,scored an 82,while the student taking the French test,for which the mean was 27 and the standard deviation was 5,scored a 35.compare the scores. How are you? Je veux gagner cette course, même si ça doit me tuer. mean (n.) "that point, place, or state which is halfway between extremes;" c. 1300, originally in music, "a tone intermediate between two other tones," from Old French meien "middle, means, intermediary," noun use of adjective from Late Latin medianus "of or that is in the middle," from Latin medius "in the middle," from PIE root *medhyo-"middle.". I didn't mean to. 2.1, Review a commercial or professional lease, Technical changes in the web service SDMX, Contributing to the Index database of natural persons (BRPP), Documentary portal and open access catalogue, Epsilon, the digital library of official statistics, Providing details about the productive system, Describing and analysing regions and territories, Improving its methods and assessing quality, Contributing to the development of European and international statistics, Producers of European statistics in France, The legal basis of European statistical governance, The framework regulations and sectoral regulations. In French, a plural ‘s’ is added (euros). GMT n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. My grandmother was just a mean factory worker. a. a number between the smallest and largest values of a set of quantities, obtained by some prescribed method: unless otherwise qualified, the arithmetic mean. Variance is a tool that can be used to analyze data statistically. As a noted French sociologist puts it, “The PACS allows a couple to commit without really committing, to unite, individual to individual, without a binding long-term engagement.” But does that mean being pacsé is taken all that lightly? Criticism of Islam, usually brought by white, "far right" French people, is certainly taboo. https://www.thoughtco.com/math-vocabulary-in-french-and-english-4083757 A statistical measurement of central tendency or average of a set of values, usually assumed to be the arithmetic mean unless otherwise specified. Est-ce que tu essaies de suggérer que tu n'aimes pas ma chemise ? Mean reversion is the theory suggesting that prices and returns eventually move back toward the mean or average. statistiques [feminine, plural], statistiques…. When the dog barks, it means that there is danger nearby. A data set contains values from a sample or a population. The class mean for the statistics test was 75 with a standard deviation of 8. He has a mean disposition, and grumbles at everything. La température d'aujourd'hui est proche de la moyenne pour cette saison. I mean, have you recovered completely from your illness? O.Fr., fr. Est-ce que tu es en train de suggérer que tu n'aimes pas ma chemise ? Not really, according to official PACS statistics. The mean is the average value of a set of numbers. J'ai eu tout juste la moyenne au dernier contrôle de maths. Kevin lacks the means to buy a sports car. Les étudiants ont appris à calculer la moyenne quadratique d'un ensemble de nombres. Le résultat moyen au test a été de 70 %. Je suis désolé, je ne voulais pas te faire de mal. I mean to win that race, even if it kills me! Hundreds. She was dressed in old and mean clothes, but was still the prettiest girl there. สถิติ, วิชาสถิติ…. mean n. noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. The French for '(a) hundred' is cent.Multiples of a hundred go deux cents, trois cents etc with an -s on cents.If the number is not an exact multiple of 100, then the number representing the last two digits follows cent, which loses its -s: 101 = cent un, 201 = deux cent un, 202 = deux cent deux etc. Avec ses outils et son cerveau, il avait les moyens de réparer n'importe quelle cuisinière. tics (stə-tÄ­s′tÄ­ks) n. 1. He is a mean man, unlike his generous brother. Due to the outlier, the mean becomes much higher, even though all the other numbers in the data set stay the same. The event is scheduled to take place at 2200 hours GMT. Pardon, je n'en avais pas l'intention. Aidez WordReference : Posez la question dans les forums. estadística…. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. statistické údaje, statistika…. two in three people.The likelihood of surviving the disease has doubled in 45 years. Still, that doesn’t necessarily mean French women are as tolerant to affairs as we’ve been lead to think. I don't know the word "combustion"--what do you mean? Signalez une publicité qui vous semble abusive. Pour les formes qui sont "irrégulières" au féminin, celles-ci sont données ( ex : irrégulier, irrégulière > irrégulier = forme masculine, irrégulière = forme féminine) The mean score on the test was 70%. Tony means to finish his drink in one gulp. twelve is to four as nine is to three. The French state’s policy rejects any references to national, racial, ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities. Est-ce qu'il pense vraiment ce qu'il dit ou est-ce qu'il fait encore une fausse promesse ? Je suis désolé, je n'avais pas l'intention de te faire du mal. Today's temperature is near the mean for this time of year. Does he mean what he says, or is he just making an empty promise? Même si cela partait d'une bonne intention, ce que tu as dit était blessant. WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2021: Discussions du forum dont le titre comprend le(s) mot(s) "mean" : Dans d'autres langues : espagnol | italien | portugais | roumain | allemand | néerlandais | suédois | russe | polonais | tchèque | grec | turc | chinois | japonais | coréen | arabe. French Translation of “range” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Did I just step on your foot? Est-ce que je vous ai marché sur le pied ? Learn more. A delay in our flight means a missed connection. A parent should never be so mean to his son. la racine carrée de quatre est deux. 統計…. In English and French, euro starts with a lower case letter, in German with an upper case letter. istatistik, istatistik bilimi…. Non, je ne peux pas t'emmener chez ta sœur maintenant, parce que ça impliquerait de traverser toute la ville en voiture et revenir à l'heure de pointe. Ma grand-mère n'était qu'une simple ouvrière. However, a good, medium or poor prognosis depends greatly upon the organ in question and how far developed the disease is when diagnosed. 29,975 new cases and 338 new deaths in France.French Government reported 408 new deaths, of which 93 deaths in EMS and EHAPD and 314 deaths in hospitals. Un oubli important ? [M.E., mene fr. Calculate the standard deviation IS c. Calculate the z-score for element d. Describe the position of the z-score relative to the mean. With his tools and his brain, he had the means to repair any stove. Signalez une erreur ou suggérez une amélioration. Je ne pensais pas à elle, mais à son mari. Devenez parrain de WordReference pour voir le site sans publicités. ratio - la proportion. (used with a sing. Translation for 'statistics' in the free English-Arabic dictionary and many other Arabic translations. 'French National Railway Company') is France's national state-owned railway company. b. the number obtained by multiplying each value of x by the probability (or probability density) of x and then summing (or integrating) over the range of x. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. Did you mean to suggest that you didn't like my shirt? be loco Sarah took exams in statistics and in biology. Voir la traduction automatique de Google Translate de 'mean'. Find more French words at wordhippo.com! heure de Greenwich, heure moyenne de Greenwich, partir d'une bonne intention, partir d'un bon sentiment, (mean obtained by favoring certain factors). verb) Numerical data. Je suis sincère quand je dis que tu es belle. An incoming freshman took her college's placement exams in french and math. Tony veut finir son verre en une gorgée. I meant no harm. This table lists the standard abbreviations (English and French), internationally approved alpha codes, Standard Geographical Classification codes and region names for … Mean (x̄) = ⅀x/n = 2220/5 = 444. Sorry. Population versus sample mean. Ce que tu as fait était vraiment méchant. In 2018, the average age at childbirth among women in France was 30.6 years old. statistics????? Il a mauvais caractère, et râle sur tout. Mean: 444 milliseconds. Mountain standard time is plus 8 hours from Greenwich Mean Time. A population is the entire group that you are interested in researching, while a sample is only a subset of that population. In France, three million people have survived cancer, i.e. Tu sous-entends que tu n'aimes pas ma chemise ? 2, French classification of products - CPF Rev. extraction of a squareroot - l’extraction d’une racine. The Société nationale des chemins de fer français (French pronunciation: [sɔsjete nɑsjɔnal de ʃ(ə)mɛ̃ d(ə) fɛʁ fʁɑ̃sɛ]; abbreviated as SNCF [ɛs‿ɛn se ɛf]; lit. in french she scored 82 and in math 86. Worldometer redistributed the 94 reported deaths in EMS and EHPAD over the 4 day period since the last report on Mar 12. Quand je te dis que tu comptes pour moi, je le pense. (used with a pl. verb) The mathematics of the collection, organization, and interpretation of numerical data, especially the analysis of population characteristics by inference from sampling. Mean age at … The time is 12 o'clock, Greenwich Mean Time. Translations of statistics. I really mean it when I say you're beautiful. Regression to the mean is an important statistical phenomenon. Tu veux dire que tu n'aimes pas ma chemise, c'est ça ? The word Statistics seems to have been derived from the Latin word ‘status’ or the Italian word ‘statista’ or the German word ‘statistik’ or the French word ‘statistique’ each of which means a political state. L. medianus, in the middle] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Non, je ne peux pas t'emmener chez ta sœur maintenant, parce que ça voudrait dire traverser toute la ville (. I'm sorry you were upset by my suggestion. a. GMT is a time zone that includes the British Isles. √4. The overall results on the french exam had a mean of 72 and a standard deviation of 8 while the mean math score was 68 with a standard deviation of 12. on which exam did she do better compared with the other freshman? Tu cherches à (me) faire comprendre que ma chemise est moche ? There can be more than one mode or no mode at all; it all depends on the data set itself. L’Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques collecte, produit, analyse et diffuse des informations sur l’économie et la société françaises The English for le français is the French. He has a mean streak - you can see it in his eyes. /static/img/logo_com_externe_semi_bold.png, Review maintenance payments, rents, leases or a contract, Economie - conjoncture - comptes nationaux, Toutes les régions ou tous les départements, Quality in the Official Statistical Service (SSP), Quality Management Actions and Initiatives as part of a Process-Oriented Approach, French classification of activities - NAF Rev. No, I can't take you to your sister's house now, as that would mean driving across town and back in the rush hour. The following list covers most terms you’d need in a French math class. La moyenne est la valeur moyenne d'un groupe de nombres. For example, let's say you have the following list of numbers: 12 : 4 = 9 : 3. douze est à quatre comme neuf est à trois. It appears that the mean age of French mothers at childbirth has … statistik…. The characteristics of French divorces ... Then you will be able to mark statistics as favourites and use personal statistics alerts. 2. A recent YouGov survey of 20,000 Americans found that Americans preferred French fries to every other way to eat a potato. In statistics, the mode in a list of numbers refers to the integers that occur most frequently. but in reality, these people mean no harm, by voice traditionalists mean the linguistic expression, chow mean noddles [sic] chow mein noodles, could mean the difference between life and death. arithmetic mean (statistics) media aritmética nf + adj: geometric mean (mathematics) media geométrica loc nom f locución nominal femenina: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo femenino ("casa de citas", "zona cero", "arma secreta"). Je ne parle pas d'elle, je parle de son mari. Un retard de notre vol implique que nous allons manquer la correspondance. If there is a reference to an amount, the ISO 4217 code of euro ‘EUR’ is used (such as ‘EUR 30’). Americans love French fries. Le résultat moyen au test a été de 70 %. Comment vas-tu ? C'est une piètre imitation d'œuvre d'art. Even though you meant well, what you said was hurtful. Unlike the median and mean, the mode is about the frequency of occurrence. Il est malveillant, cela se voit dans ses yeux. Je veux dire, es-tu complètement remis de ta maladie ?