To all jQuery heros out there, I need help! As the name of the Bootstrap Pagination example indicates, the dot in the design moves from one circle to the selected one when users click on it. How can I resolve this thing? Add data-isotope attribute to the container element. 5 new items. We then specify a set number of elements that we want to display per page. If you scroll to the bottom of a page and see the row of numbers – that row of numbers is a site’s or app’s pagination. 15 Bootstrap Pagination. React Pagination Example Codepen. It helps the search engine bots to easily index the articles and rank them. 35 cool CSS buttons with animations and hover effects for your website! You can initialize Isotope in HTML, without writing any JavaScript. Pagination is very useful for data lists, which include a large number of records in a database. Reply. @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@