Still, she sounded amazing, of course, and belted out some of her hit songs along with tracks from her latest album. Coronavirus concerts: DJ D-Nice, Camila Cabello, Shawn Mendes … OKC Philharmonic's Christmas concert going virtual due to COVID … What It's Really Like Attending a Concert In the Age of Coronavirus While several artists are postponing tours amid coronavirus, some have found a … Since earlier this year, several artists—including Taylor Swift and Jay-Z—have postponed or canceled their tours due to the global pandemic. Dans un espace délimité ou en temps normal nous mettons 36.000 personnes ». I felt comfortable and never confused as to where to go—it was extremely organized. Coup dur pour les artistes et le public. L’événement d’hier à #Nice06 respectait les consignes gouvernementales comme l’a indiqué la préfecture : comptage pour respect de la jauge de 5000, consignes de distanciation rappelées via messages audio et signalétique et masques fortement recommandés. "It's really nice to socially distance meet ya'll," Kehlani, who was supposed to be on tour at this time, said. Last month, Garth Brooks performed a one-night only live concert for over 350,000 fans at drive-in theaters across North America, the first of its kind. "It reminded me how much I miss the crazy, happy, and unpredictable life we lead as entertainers," he said afterwards. A Nice, il sera désormais obligatoire pour tous nos événements », écrit-il. The music industry has begun to feel the effects of the coronavirus outbreak, which has killed more than 43,000 people so far.Massive festivals … "I'm out of breath because I haven't sung in three months," she shared. Dec. 19, 2020 Updated: Dec. 20, 2020 4:32 p.m ... "Joseph's Carol" has many nice … Culture A Nice, Estrosi veut imposer le masque lors des rassemblements, CONCERT Des internautes soulignent le manque de distanciation sociale et l’absence de masques lors du concert de The Avener samedi soir, Publié le 12/07/20 à 14h36 That is, with a new idea in mind: Drive-in shows. ... the performance was a surprisingly nice experience. If you're a big music lover like me, then you're probably missing concerts. In a special Christmas Eve concert, accompanied by an acclaimed cellist and a rented organ, the socially distanced singers performed beneath the cathedral’s stained-glass windows amid the darkened church, which is transitioning from being a hazardous clean-up operation to becoming a massive reconstruction site. seconde vague. "I'm usually touching people's hands. Your source for entertainment news, celebrities, celeb news, and ​celebrity gossip. Concert Cancelled 36 coronavirus 346 Lewis Capaldi 3 Niall Horan 12 nice to meet ya tour 1 pop 39 tour cancelled 33 Popstar Niall Horan announced news Friday afternoon that his Nice To Meet Ya tour is cancelled due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. After all, there is nothing like seeing your favorite artist on stage and taking in the joys of live music, the crowd dancing, the speakers blasting. SOLIDARITE Fermée à cause de l’épidémie de coronavirus, la salle de concert l’Aéronef se met au service du Secours populaire Mikaël … All rights reserved. « Inconscience », « irresponsable », « désespérant »… La colère gronde depuis la diffusion d’images sur les réseaux sociaux, du concert en plein air de The Avener à Nice samedi soir. Entertainment Television, LLC A Division of NBCUniversal. She also addressed how life is different now. Hundreds of Greeks danced and sang from their cars at a drive-in music concert, the first such event since the country banned mass gatherings to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus. Jon Sobel, BLOGCRITICS.ORG. The coronavirus lockdown ... but has put together a In the past, she was used to being close to the crowds, able to physically interact with them. As soon as I arrived at Calamigos Ranch in Malibu, California, I was met by staff who directed me where to go each step of the way. De même, la municipalité assurait avoir disposé « des panneaux et des messages audios [qui] rappelaient les gestes barrières à respecter en cas de non-distanciation ». "I've been in the house.". Of course, it would not be the same as old times, as this was a reimagined, socially distant event, but that is just the world we are living in. Musicians are slowly starting to feel comfortable stepping back on the stage. distanciation sociale, absence de masques… Les images du concert suscitent de nombreuses interrogations, et inquiètent sur l’éventualité d’une  I'm happy that we were able to do this. which she was performing live for the first time. Organisé depuis la tour Bellanda, l’événement a attiré plusieurs milliers de personnes sur la Promenade des Anglais, mais n’a pas brillé par son respect des gestes barrières, comme en témoigne une vidéo d’un correspondant d’Aujourd’hui en France – Le Parisien. So, when I received an invite to Audi Presents: Summer Drive-in Concert featuring a performance by Kehlani last week, I immediately said yes. Nice, quai des Etats-Unis et promenade des Anglais ce samedi soir pour le concert de ⁦@TheAvenerMusic⁩ #nice06 Had I been experiencing any coronavirus-like symptoms? « Il n’y a pas de liberté sans responsabilité. Check out the hottest fashion, photos, movies and TV shows! Dans le contexte épidémique lié au coronavirus, après l'interdiction des rassemblements de 5 000, puis de 1 000 et enfin 100 personnes, tous les concerts ont été annulés et/ou reportés. December 13, 2020. Business. © 2020 E! Those trying to return home for the holidays this year had to turn to smugglers. It was a necessary move to ensure the health and safety of stars, their teams and attendees, but fans, including me, miss it so much. (This was determined by when you arrived, so thankfully I showed up an hour early!) But once the coronavirus pandemic’s spread started to cancel performances through summer ... “We went from being a For the latest updates on the coronavirus pandemic and for tips on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19, please visit The Center for Disease Control and Prevention at Once you were in your designated area, you stayed put throughout the event, which was in celebration of essential and frontline workers. De nombreux gros événements ont été annulés à cause du coronavirus, comme le Nice Jazz Festival qui propose des sessions de rattrapage du 17 au 21 juillet. (…) Il nous aurait fallu plusieurs milliers de policiers pour vérifier le port du masque obligatoire. Coronavirus à Nice : Après un concert sans distanciation, Estrosi veut imposer le masque lors des grands événements. How the Coronavirus Is Impacting Hollywood and Entertainment. Despite social distancing forcing people into isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, the "One World — Together at Home" concert united millions of people in a celebration of life through music. by Alex Young. Global Citizen And WHO Announce 'One World,' A Lady Gaga-Curated Concert Special : Coronavirus Updates The special, set to be televised and streamed on April 18, will feature a … Together, they have launched a campaign called the Solidarity Response Fund with a goal of raising $675 million throughout April towards Those trying to return home for the holidays this year had to turn to smugglers. Afterwards, I was given a mask, hand sanitizer and a card that assigned me to a parking spot. Associated Press. De quoi faire polémique alors que plusieurs spécialistes mettent en garde contre une possible seconde vague de cas de coronavirus en France cet été. Great White Plays Coronavirus Concert With No Social Distancing The band that famously killed 100 people after setting off pyrotechnics inside of a small club is at it again . Colombia's government shut down the crossings in a bid to slow down the spread of COVID-19 infections. Concert-goers were required to buy seats in clusters, branded "fan pods", and large areas were roped off. MONDAY, DEC. 28: More than 44,334 people have contracted COVID-19 in East Texas; death toll passes 1,500 CBS19 WEATHER: Clouds increase today, storms return mid-week Weather Finally, it was showtime. While I miss crowds, it was nice to have our own space and not feel packed in like sardines. "It's just « Nous regrettons que ces consignes n’aient pas été suffisamment respectées et demandons à l’Etat de revoir le décret qui régit les grands événements afin d’imposer le port du masque, même à l’extérieur. Concert review: Pardi rocks the ... "We'll try to be as polite and nice as we possibly can and hope that people cooperate," he said. The CDC’s failed race against covid-19: ... Why German researchers held a large indoor concert during the pandemic. Defying Pandemic Woes, Live Entertainment Giant OVG Showed New … But that is no more. Coronavirus : « On voit un relâchement sur les gestes barrières », la France va-t-elle prendre une deuxième vague dès cet été ? Indeed, it's a new and cool experience for several superstars who are ready to make a return. When Kehlani came out on stage, she jokingly asked the audience to excuse her voice since she hadn't been performing lately. On était dans un endroit à ciel ouvert, il y a bien plus de 5.000 personnes sur la Promenade et la Croisette tous les jours. Colombia's government shut down the crossings in a bid to slow down the spread of COVID-19 infections. Foule compacte, manque de En début d’après-midi ce dimanche, le maire LR de la ville, Christian Estrosi, a réagi sur Twitter et a annoncé imposer désormais le masque pour les grands événements que sa municipalité organise, et demande à l’Etat d’en faire de même. Or, so we thought. And I couldn't agree more. This is a new and cool experience.". Not only was I excited to see Kehlani and hear live music, but I was also longing to experience a normal activity that I used to do regularly before coronavirus. While drive-in concerts are not what we are used to, they have become the new normal during this time. Même son de cloche du côté du préfet des Alpes-Maritimes Bernard Gonzalez, comme le rapporte Nice-Matin. Had I been exposed to anyone with COVID in the last 14 days? Had I traveled anywhere recently? Barcelona concert tests use of same-day COVID-19 screening | … Suite à l'interdiction des rassemblements de plus de 5.000 personnes, à cause du coronavirus, des concerts s'annulent. Still, fans were not allowed to get too close to the stage—or each other. Contactée par BFMTV, la mairie de Nice expliquait ce matin avoir suivi la réglementation : « Nous avons respecté la limite des 5.000 [personnes] fixée par la préfecture via un système de comptage. — Mis à jour le 12/07/20 à 18h32. For me, getting to hear music blasting from a stage was one of the happiest experiences I've had in the past few months—and I can't wait for more to come. Barcelona Concert Tests Use of Same-Day COVID-19 Screening. Oxford Philharmonic Streams Tribute Concert to COVID-19 Vaccine Scientists. Dissiper en temps réel un petit groupe ça peut être beaucoup plus dangereux que délivrer des messages sur le respect des gestes barrières », estimait-il. And now, in the age of coronavirus and social distancing, it seems as if concerts are no longer a realistic event to look forward to. In accordance with CDC guidelines, all guests were required to participate in a brief medical screening upon entrance, which included getting my temperature taken and filling out a questionnaire. While guests were able to stay inside their vehicles and listen to audio from a radio station, I chose to sit outside, where people were dancing next to their cars. Artists are longing to get back on stage to entertain their fans and we are patiently waiting. "For one night, things seemed...right.". Les Libertines se produiront lors du premier concert avec distanciation sociale au Royaume-Uni, A Nice, Estrosi veut imposer le masque lors des rassemblements, Des internautes soulignent le manque de distanciation sociale et l’absence de masques lors du concert de The Avener samedi soir, - La fréquentation de 20 Minutes est certifiée par l’ACPM. 11/07/20 | COCORICO, Netflix s’installe à Nice pour sa prochaine série française lancée en 2021, 11/07/20 | LIVE, Les Libertines se produiront lors d’un concert avec distanciation sociale, 09/07/20 | MUSIQUE, L'Impératrice régnera sur l'été avec sa tournée mondiale... virtuelle, Choix de consentement © Copyright 20 Minutes - La fréquentation de 20 Minutes est certifiée par l’ACPM. I'm touching your hands in spirit. To ensure everyone's safety, each vehicle was parked in a socially distanced area and everyone was required to wear masks the entire time.