-Dy specifies a shadow above the text and +Dy specifies below the text. android:shadowColor specifies the shadow color. Shadow effects are most popular simple 3d animation in development area because with the use of shadow effects text it will make text more attractive, easy to read and takes automatically app user attention. Either we do it pragmatically or we can change in the xml layout. January 03, 2017 by Srinivas. So here is the complete step by step tutorial for Add/Set shadow effect on listview items in android. Elevation of a view can be set in code by calling setElevation method and in xml using elevation attribute. Android UI elements can be configured to draw shadows using elevation property. Any Type of Views. In this tutorial we are creating list view with item shadow effect to give 3-D effect on listview items using setShadowLayer() method. Example This example shows you how to create drop shadows on both iOS and Android. This will provide a different look to the image. This must be set to the parent ViewGroup containing the view you want to cast a shadow. Long-Shadows can render a shadow for any type of View, even custom Views. The shadow will appear with the given image. Shadow Effect on Android TextView using XML Layout Use below code snippet to get the shadow effect on the second TextView pragmatically. android:elevation only have shadow effects on the bottom side, how , Figure 1 - Shadows for different view elevations. To set the default (resting) elevation of a view, use the android:elevation attribute in the XML While most of the shadow is actually below the view, a subtle shadow is also above. How to create drop shadow effect in android studio.Android UI design tips. How to create list view with awesome shadow effects on each text value item of listview like Photoshop text effect. Applications. In the Android 5.0 samples from the SDK Manager, there is the ElevationBasic sample. change padding line position to content. Create ninepatch shadow for Android. To add shadow effects on Android, you need to use the elevation property. You can apply Shadow Effect on Android TextView in two ways. This example explains how to apply Shadow Effect on Android TextView. Android View Shadow Effect. let’s say that you looking for how implement shadow at your View at android, you will google somethings and you probably find these 3 answers. Provide a small value if shadow needs to be prominent. change padding line position to content How to create drop shadow effects like Photoshop on android app text with the use of Xml layout file. android:shadowRadius specifies how much the shadow should be blurred at the edges. This article will show you how to create a shadow for any type of image in an Android application using Android Studio.